Columbia Gas Warm Choice

The Warm Choice Program is designed to help income Eligible homeowners or renters who are customers of Columbia Gas receive a home energy inspection which includes safety checks on natural gas appliances. Possible energy efficiency services may include attic and wall insulation, air sealing, and repair or replacement of natural gas appliances at no cost. Participants must be at or below the 175% poverty level and a customer of Columbia Gas.
Electrical Partnership Program (EPP)
The Electric Partnership Program (EPP) is a partnership with AEP whose purpose is to help eligible households lower their electric usage while saving money. An EPP provider will perform an in-home audit to assess the amount of electric being used and the efficiency of appliances. Customers will receive information on how they can reduce their electric use and improve their home’s efficiency. If the household qualifies, energy efficient measures such as replacement of light bulbs and appliances may be taken if the audit finds they are needed.
Customers of AEP who are enrolled in PIPP or HEAP can be referred to the program. EPP is available once per residency. You have to have at least 12 months usage at current residency to apply. If you move, you must live in your new residency for at least 12 months before re-applying to ensure a proper audit. Participating households must be at or below 175% poverty level.
Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP)
The weatherization program is designed to reduce energy consumption of low-income households, making energy costs more affordable. The program performs home inspections to identify the services necessary to improve the home’s energy efficiency. Participating households must be at or below 200% poverty level.
Measures provided by the program to the client may include:
- In-home education
- Safety inspection, tune-up/repair, and if necessary, installation of heating units
- Insulation as needed
- Reduction of air leakage from major sources
Ohio Development Services Agency
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Home Weatherization Assistance Program Enhancement
The Enhancement Program is used to enhance energy efficiency efforts of the Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) with a separate funding stream designed to cover the costs of specific allowable measures for targeted households. This program strives to provide a holistic approach to weatherizing homes in the most cost-effective manner by leveraging available resources. Program benefits include reducing housing hazards and promoting energy efficiency which will improve conditions and public health. Participants must be at or below 200% poverty level.
Housing Assistance Grant Program (HAGP)
The Housing Assistance Grant Program is funded through the Ohio Development Services Agency utilizing OHTF (Ohio Housing Trust Fund) money. It’s goal is to promote affordable housing opportunities and improve housing conditions for low-income families and individuals. The HAGP provides emergency health and safety home repairs or renovation for handicapped accessibility modifications. The program may utilize matching funds from USDA Rural Development or another eligible funding source. The homeowner’s income must be at or below 50% Area Median Income to qualify.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)

Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) is a program funded by the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). The goal of the program is to assist with housing stability among low-income veteran families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. SSVF offers short-term housing assistance as well as case management while helping the Veteran to work towards reaching their goals for housing stability. If the Veteran is in need of long-term housing assistance or long-term case management SSVF will help in referrals to the proper programs.
To be eligible for the SSVF program:
- There must be a Veteran residing in the household. According to the VA a Veteran is defined as: A person who served in the active military, naval, or air service; and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable. “Veteran” excludes a person who received a dishonorable discharge from the Armed Forces or was discharged or dismissed from the Armed Forces by reason of the sentence of a general court-martial.
- The Veteran household must be below 80% of area median income.
- The Veteran household must be homeless or at risk of becoming homeless (threatened with eviction).
- The Veteran family must meet all criteria for being homeless “but for” the SSVF assistance.
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