As the weather is turning colder, our Winter Crisis program is still assisting our customers with their main heating utility and/or furnace repair. Gallia Meigs C.A.A.’s Emergency HEAP Program begin Monday, November 1, 2024 and will continue through March 31, 2025. We have a different IVR phone number (Interactive Voice Response System), which stills gives the customers access 7days a week/24 hours a day for making their appointment by phoning in. The number is toll free, 1-740-737-8696, please listen till the end of the recording. At the end you will be given a confirmation number. You must have that for your appointment to be completed. You will have to have your social security number or client number and your gas and electric account number in order to make your appointment. Please note, an appointment MAY NOT extend a scheduled utility shut-off.
Emergency HEAP provides assistance to households that have had utilities disconnected, the threat of disconnection, new service, or have 25% or less supply of bulkfuel, or less than 10 day supply of woodor coal. The program allows a one-time payment per heating season to restore or retain home heating. The potential dollar amount will be up to $175 for regulated utilities, up to $750 for unregulated utilities, up to $650 for wood, coal or pellets and up to $1200 for propane/fuel oil, etc., and up to 8 cylinders of propane. Allotted amounts are subject to change.
The income guidelines for Regular HEAP/PIPP and Emergency HEAP are the same. However, Regular HEAP requires the previous 12 months’ income while the past month income is acceptable for Emergency HEAP. The 12-month period or one-month period for the help is determined from date of application making it possible for some with decreased income during these periods to qualify later in the program. Examples of these types of situations could occur from layoff, strike, retirement, disability or death of a spouse/ household member. Documentation verifying ALL household income must be provided when applying for E-HEAP or Regular HEAP. Also a copy of the applicant’s most recent gas/electric bill is required. It is also required that you provide social security cards, for ALL household members. You will also be asked for proof of landlord, including address and phone number. If the grandparents have custody of the children in the home, we will need the custody papers also.
The following income levels by household size should be used to determine eligibility. These income guidelines represent the 175% calculation and are revised annually. Allowable annual income for a 1-person household is $26,355.00, 2- $35,770.00, 3- $45,185.00, 4- $54,600.00, 5- $64,015.00, 6- $73,430.00, 7- $82,845.00. Households with more than eight members should add an additional $9,000.00 per member to the yearly income.
Both Emergency HEAP and Regular HEAP applications will be completed by phone interviews this year.
Required Documents:
- Proof of Gross Income for Everyone in the Household for the Past 3 months
- Wages: Weekly – Last 4 paystubs/ Biweekly – last 2 paystubs
- Utility Allowance/Lease
- SS/SSI/SSD – Bank Statement or Current Award Letter
- PERS/VA/SERS/PENSION – Copy of Current Award Letter
- OWF/TANF/DA- Print Out of the Last 1 Months or Bank Statement
- Child Support received or paid out, (documented proof for the last month)
- Social Security Cards for Everyone in the Household
- Current Heating Bill or Statement (Columbia Gas/Knox, Propane, Fuel Oil, Coal, or Wood)
- Current Electric Bill (AEP or Buckeye)
- If you pay for additional out of pocket HEALTH INSURANCE, documented proof for 3 months
- Aflac, AARP, Blue Cross Blue Shield, etc.
- Medicaid Card or Case Number (if applicable)
- Landlords Name, Address, and Phone Number (if renting)