Join us virtually for “Responding to the Opioid Crisis: Discussions on Faith and Harm Reduction”
Zoom hosted by Appalachia Unite
Sessions will include presentations, followed by time for Q&A.
Register at https://forms.gle/MUHu7kDX7URX3vUM7
Part 1: Faith and the Ministry of Harm Reduction
Thursday, July 6th
5:00 – 6:30 PM
Join to hear from Josh Lawson, a former pastor who has served in many pivotal roles to help
reduce the burden of drug overdose in Southern Ohio. Josh serves as Program Facilitator at
the Shawnee State Kricker Innovation Hub, and has authored two books – The Face of Addiction
and Drugs & Jesus: Faith Meets Harm Reduction. In Drugs & Jesus, Josh provides a theological
framework for how and why people of faith can engage in the ministry of harm reduction.
Part 2: Living Faith and Harm Reduction in Recovery
Thursday, July 13th
5:00 – 6:30 PM
Join to hear from Natashia Rapp, the Managing Director of Harm Reduction Programs at
Integrated Services for Behavioral Health in Southern Ohio. Natashia is someone of strong faith,
which she credits in helping her through her own battle with substance use. Natashia uses her
lived experience, training, and expertise to help individuals through the recovery process and
prevent overdose.
Thom Mollohan will open our sessions and introduce both of our speakers. Thom is pastoring in
Gallipolis, is the CEO of Stepstone Initiatives, and the President of the Gallia County HOPE
Coalition – a community partnership comprised of mental health providers, social service
organizations, drug counseling and recovery groups, law enforcement, and faith-based
About Appalachia Unite: Appalachia Unite is a group of community members and
researchers who come together to address the opioid crisis in Southern Ohio, working
specifically in Gallia, Vinton, and Meigs counties.
To learn more about our work, follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/AppalachiaUnite
Questions? Email us at AppalachiaUnite@gmail.com