Gallia Meigs Community Action Agency may provide transportation to eligible residents of Gallia and Meigs Counties to receive COVID Vaccinations. Eligibility is based on 200% Poverty level. You may call to schedule transportation after you have received an appointment date and time for receiving your vaccine. Services are first come, first served.
Participants must complete an application and provide documentation for all members of the household. Documentation required includes proof of income for the last 30 days and Social Security Cards. Applications and documentation must be submitted and approved prior to the date of needed transportation.
Applications can be downloaded here or picked up at our offices located at 1176 Jackson Pike, Gallipolis, OH. For questions or assistance completing an application, please call 740-367-7341.
Completed applications and documentation may be submitted at our drop box locations:
*1369 Powell Street, Middleport, OH
*8010 St Rt 7 North, Cheshire, OH
*1176 Jackson Pike, Gallipolis, OH
**On application: Client Number and Percentage of Area Median Income (AMI) will be filled in by GMCAA staff.