March 13, 2020
Due to the State of Emergency declared by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine to protect the well-being of Ohioans from the dangerous effects of COVID-19, policies requiring face to face interviews to complete certain Home Energy Assistance Program applications have been temporarily suspended. Rules set in place by the Ohio Development Services Agency for households seeking Winter Crisis Program assistance, enrolling on the Percentage of Income Payment Plan for the first time, and those households with incomes at or below 30% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines to complete in-agency applications will be suspended from today until such time as the regulating agency reverts to the official policy of record. Applicants will not be required to complete an in-agency appointment but can opt to complete a phone interview.
While the agency will be open and accepting face to face appointments, households can choose to complete applications which can be submitted via the online system at http://www.energyhelp.ohio.gov/, via hand delivery, or mail to Gallia-Meigs CAA, 8010 SR 7 PO BX 272, Cheshire, Oh 45631, or by fax to 740-367-7343. If submitting by fax, please indicate the total number of pages being faxed to ensure all are received. If you mail the application, please indicate if you are applying for Winter Crisis assistance. All required documents should be submitted with the application as listed below. Once the application has been received, staff will contact you to schedule a phone interview to finalize and discuss your benefit details.
Interested households can contact the agency directly to schedule an appointment for either face to face or phone completion at 740-367-7341. If you want an appointment by phone, please call the IVR system at 1-866-409-1361 to set up an appointment and then contact us to verify it. The Winter Crisis Program season ends on March 31, 2020. We encourage applicants to submit as soon as possible to meet the deadline.
Required documents:
* Social Security Cards
* Documentation of all household income for the most recent complete 30 days, unless seasonally or self-employed which requires the most recent 12 months of income. For households and household members with zero income, a self declaration of no income will be required with additional documentation. Please contact us with questions or to obtain forms and requirements.
* Most recent electric and gas bill
* Proof of disability if applicable
A paper application can be accessed via website at http://www.energyhelp.ohio.gov/, or at any agency location. Follow us on facebook / web site / for more updates and information.